Turmeric extract (curcumin) for dogs and cats
Cat articles, Liver health, Pet health articlesTurmeric extract (curcumin) for dogs and cats is a key ingredient to aid liver health as well as supporting overall health in pets.
Turmeric is a yellow-coloured powder ground from the root of the turmeric plant, which grows in India and Indonesia.…
SAMe for dogs and cats
Cat articles, Dog articles, Liver health, Pet health articlesSAMe for dogs and cats is a key ingredient to support liver health in pets.
SAMe is a naturally occurring methyl donor that has strong antioxidant properties and has been shown to help aid healthy liver function. SAMe for dogs and cats is regarded…
Enterococcus faecium for dogs and cats
Cat articles, Digestive function, Dog articles, Pet health articlesEnterococcus faecium for dogs and cats is an important natural ingredient to aid healthy digestion and increase good bacteria.
Enterococcus faecium is a stomach bacterium that is used as a probiotic in some pet supplements. This bacterium is…
How to reduce stress for pets during lockdown
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Stress & anxiety articles, Top tips for pet healthIt is important to reduce stress for pets during lockdown, as they can become anxious with changes to routines and more people in the home.
Increased stress for your pet can lead to changes in behaviour and can cause worry and stress for owners.…
Top tips for healthy liver in dogs and cats
Cat articles, Dog articles, Liver health, Pet health articles, Top tips for pet healthMaintaining good liver health is vital for an animal’s general health, we share some top tips for healthy liver in dogs and cats.
The liver plays an important role in the body and has a wide variety of functions, including filtering the blood…
Probiotics for pets
Cat articles, Digestive function, Dog articles, Pet health articlesProbiotics for pets are a key ingredient to help keep an animal's gut healthy. Like humans, the majority of a dog and cat’s immune system resides in their gut.
The gut is the largest immune organ in the body, which also digests and absorbs…
Prebiotics for dogs
Cat articles, Digestive function, Dog articles, Pet health articlesPrebiotics for dogs can be integral to maintaining the balance of a dog’s gut to help their overall health.
There are many different prebiotics for dogs and cats on the market, so it is important to understand what makes a good prebiotic…
Common signs of sensitive skin in pets
Cat articles, Dog articles, Itching & scratching, Pet health articles, Sensitive skin, Skin & coat health articlesSensitive skin in pets is one of the most common reasons a pet owner will take their dog or cat to visit the vet.
In dogs, there are certain breeds that may need more support for their skin and coat than others, we share some common signs your…
Top tips for pet owners during summer
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Summer, Top tips for pet healthWe share some top tips for pet owners during summer to help keep pets safe and healthy during a rise in temperatures.
Summer can be an exciting time as it can mean more time spent outdoors, enjoying the occasional hot days. Our top tips for…
Top tips to reduce stress for a kennel or cattery visit
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Stress & anxiety articles, Top tips for pet healthPlacing your pet in a kennel or cattery for a few days can be a stressful experience. If your pet suffers from separation anxiety or is easily anxious, it can be an unpleasant experience and could also lead to stress for the pet owner.
Ginkgo Biloba for dogs and cats
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articlesGinkgo Biloba for dogs is a key ingredient to aid the body’s own natural anti-inflammatory processes.
Ginkgo Biloba, also known as Ginkgo has been used for over 5000 years to support memory ability and brain function.
Ginkgo Biloba is…
L-Tryptophan for dogs and cats
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Stress & anxiety articlesL-Tryptophan for dogs and cats is important as it can help to reduce stress and aggression in pets during stressful situations.
L-Tryptophan is a natural amino acid found in many proteins, which is involved in the production of the hormone…
Top tips to keep pets calm during fireworks
Autumn, Bonfire Night, Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Stress & anxiety articles, Top tips for pet healthMany pet owners aim to keep pets calm during fireworks, as it can be a stressful time for my pets and owners alike.
When fireworks are let off sporadically, stress and anxiety becomes common amongst dogs and cats. This can continue from October…
Biotin for dogs and cats
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Skin & coat health articlesBiotin for dogs and cats is important for maintaining healthy skin, coat and nails.
Biotin supplements can aid a dog with dry skin, which is a common reason for pet owners to take their dog or cat to visit the vets. Biotin is a water-soluble…
What is EPA and DHA?
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Skin & coat health articlesEPA and DHA are Omega-3 fatty acids that are important to support healthy skin and a glossy coat in dogs and cats.
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) are both Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in cold water fish. Omega-3…
Chondroitin for dogs and cats
Cat articles, Dog articles, Joint care, Pet health articlesChondroitin for dogs and cats is important to help maintain your pets optimum joint health as well as maintaining their overall quality of life.
Chondroitin sulphate helps to maintain synovial fluid viscosity to aid joint support and is also…
How to administer capsules and tablets to your cat or dog
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Top tips for pet healthTrying to administer capsules and tablets to your cat or dog can be a challenge and many pet owners struggle with this.
If you have to administer capsules of tablets to your cat or dog regularly due to health issues, and this can become very…
Top tips for exercising your cat
Cat articles, Joint care, Pet health articles, Top tips for pet healthExercising your cat is important to ensure they have an active and healthy life. Cats can be very independent and not as easy to exercise as a dog.
Exercising your cat will not only help to prevent weight gain, it can also reduce stress.…
Top tips to pet proof your home
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Top tips for pet healthWhen getting a new pet it’s important to pet proof your home to ensure that it is the right environment for them. Dogs and cats can be inquisitive and as their owner protecting them from hazards can help maintain their health.
If you pet…
Top tips to keep pets calm when moving house
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Stress & anxiety articles, Top tips for pet healthA house move can be stressful for everyone involved, so it's important to keep pets calm when moving house as they can sometimes get overlooked.
As a pet owner it can be a worry not knowing how a house move will impact your pet and you can be…