The importance of nose health for dogs and cats
Cat articles, Dog articles, Dog behaviour, For elderly pets, For kittens, For puppies, Itching & scratching, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Skin & coat health articles, Top tips, WinterOur pets rely on their noses far more than we probably realise. For dogs and cats, their noses play a critical role in their daily lives by helping them to navigate, communicate and stay safe.
Maintaining the health of their nose is key to…
Winter allergies in pets
Cat articles, Dog articles, Dog behaviour, For elderly pets, For kittens, For puppies, Itching & scratching, Key pet health ingredients, Pet health articles, Sensitive skin, Skin & coat health articles, Top tips for pet health, WinterAs winter settles in and we spend more time indoors, many pet owners don't realise that their furry friends can suffer from winter allergies.
While we’re focusing on keeping warm, allergens inside our homes can make pets uncomfortable. Here's…
The importance of pet paw health
Cat articles, Dog articles, Dog behaviour, For kittens, For puppies, Pet health articles, Skin & coat health articles, WinterAs pet owners, we often focus on our pet’s diet, exercise, and grooming, but one aspect that can be frequently overlooked is paw health.
Your pet’s paws play a vital role in their daily life, and keeping them healthy is essential for their…
Top tips for bathing your dog
Dog articles, Itching & scratching, Sensitive skin, Skin & coat health articles, Top tipsBathing your dog can be a stressful experience for some pet owners. If your dog has not had a bath before or does not like water, it can be a difficult task.
Dogs have sensitive skin and cleaning or bathing your dog too often can really dry…
Hairballs in cats
Cat articles, For kittens, Pet health articles, Skin & coat health articlesHairballs in cats are very common as they are very good at cleaning themselves and naturally know how to self-groom.
During these self-grooming sessions, they can swallow loose hair, which leads to hairball in cats. This is something that most…
Dogs with dry skin
Dog articles, Itching & scratching, Pet health articles, Sensitive skin, Skin & coat health articles, Top tips for pet healthIf you have a dog with dry skin, there could be many reasons for this. As a pet owner it’s never nice to see your dog suffering.
Dry skin can be easier to spot on dogs with short hair compared to longer coated dogs. If you part the coat…
Common signs of sensitive skin in pets
Cat articles, Dog articles, Itching & scratching, Pet health articles, Sensitive skin, Skin & coat health articlesSensitive skin in pets is one of the most common reasons a pet owner will take their dog or cat to visit the vet.
In dogs, there are certain breeds that may need more support for their skin and coat than others, we share some common signs your…
Biotin for dogs and cats
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Skin & coat health articlesBiotin for dogs and cats is important for maintaining healthy skin, coat and nails.
Biotin supplements can aid a dog with dry skin, which is a common reason for pet owners to take their dog or cat to visit the vets. Biotin is a water-soluble…
What is EPA and DHA?
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Skin & coat health articlesEPA and DHA are Omega-3 fatty acids that are important to support healthy skin and a glossy coat in dogs and cats.
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) are both Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in cold water fish. Omega-3…
Do you have an itchy dog?
Dog articles, Pet health articles, Skin & coat health articles, Top tips for pet healthItchy skin on dogs is a common reason for owners to visit the vets. It could be stressful to see your dog uncomfortable and constantly itching, which can be more prevalent in summer months, or during the warmer weather.
If you find yourself…
Top tips for managing healthy skin and coat in pets
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Skin & coat health articles, Top tips for pet healthManaging healthy skin and coat in pets is one of the most common reasons a pet owner will take their dog or cat to visit the vet.
In dogs, it is particularly common for Terriers, Setters, Retrievers, Spaniels and Dalmatians to visit the vet…
Omega 3 for dogs and cats
Cat articles, Dog articles, Itching & scratching, Omega-3 for pets, Pet health articles, Skin & coat health articlesOmega 3 for dogs and cats can provide pets with itchy skin relief.
If you have an itchy pet, natural supplements with Omega 3 for dogs and cats can calm sensitive skin and help to reduce the itching and scratching.
Omega 3 is an essential…
Skin and coat concerns in pets
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Skin & coat health articlesSkin and coat concerns in pets are a common reason for pet owners to take a dog or cat to visit the vet.
Often pet owners want to help calm the pet's sensitive, dry flaky skin and require a product that will soothe and reduce the itching to…