Come and see Nutravet at Crufts 2025
Autumn, Christmas, Latest news, Seasonal articles, Spring, Summer, WinterNutravet are delighted to be exhibiting at Crufts from 6 to 9 March 2025.
Crufts is one of the biggest animal events of the year, and Nutravet are thrilled to be returning with their veterinary recommended and pet approved health products.
The importance of nose health for dogs and cats
Cat articles, Dog articles, Dog behaviour, For elderly pets, For kittens, For puppies, Itching & scratching, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Skin & coat health articles, Top tips, WinterOur pets rely on their noses far more than we probably realise. For dogs and cats, their noses play a critical role in their daily lives by helping them to navigate, communicate and stay safe.
Maintaining the health of their nose is key to…
Winter hypothermia in dogs
Dog articles, For elderly pets, For puppies, Seasonal articles, Top tips, WinterWinter brings its own set of challenges for pet owners, especially when it comes to protecting dogs from the dangers of cold weather.
While hypothermia (low body temperature) is often a major concern during the colder months, it’s important…
Winter allergies in pets
Cat articles, Dog articles, Dog behaviour, For elderly pets, For kittens, For puppies, Itching & scratching, Key pet health ingredients, Pet health articles, Sensitive skin, Skin & coat health articles, Top tips for pet health, WinterAs winter settles in and we spend more time indoors, many pet owners don't realise that their furry friends can suffer from winter allergies.
While we’re focusing on keeping warm, allergens inside our homes can make pets uncomfortable. Here's…
The importance of pet paw health
Cat articles, Dog articles, Dog behaviour, For kittens, For puppies, Pet health articles, Skin & coat health articles, WinterAs pet owners, we often focus on our pet’s diet, exercise, and grooming, but one aspect that can be frequently overlooked is paw health.
Your pet’s paws play a vital role in their daily life, and keeping them healthy is essential for their…
Top tips for pet owners during autumn
Autumn, Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Top tips for pet healthWith the change in seasons and start of colder weather, we share some top tips for pet owners during the autumn months.
In our top tips for pet owners during autumn, we share some hazards that you need to be aware of at this time of year. Maintaining…
Autumn walks with your dog
Autumn, Dog articles, Dog behaviour, Seasonal articles, Top tipsThe changing colours and cooler temperatures of autumn make it a great time to enjoy long walks with your dog. As well as finding the cooler temperatures more comfortable, there are plenty of new sights and smells for them to sniff out.
Top tips to keep pets calm during the fireworks
Autumn, Bonfire Night, Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Stress & anxiety articles, Top tips for pet healthFireworks season is a stressful time for pets, with sporadic bangs going off, we share some top tips to keep pets calm during the fireworks.
With many events being held on different nights, fireworks season can last right up until the New Year…
Walking your dog in hot weather
Dog articles, For puppies, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Spring, Summer, Top tips, Top tips for pet health, UncategorisedAs dog owners we all know that dogs need exercise, even when it is hot.
To avoid the risk of heatstroke it is recommended that you walk your dog either early morning or late in the evening when its cooler.
Dogs are not as good as us at dealing…
How to look out for heatstroke in pets
Cat articles, Dog articles, For elderly pets, For kittens, For puppies, Summer, Top tips, Top tips for pet healthHeatstroke in pets is a life-threatening condition where the body temperature increases and could have serious consequences including organ failure or in more serious cases loss of life.
Unlike us, animals can’t remove layers in warm weather…
Top tips to keep your dog safe at the beach
Dog articles, Pet health articles, Summer, Top tips, Top tips for pet healthIt’s always nice to be able to take your dog to the beach for summer days out. With so many lovely beaches located in the UK, this is a great day out for the whole family.
However, there are many hazards at the beach that a pet owner should…
Tips to create a pet-friendly garden
Cat articles, Dog articles, Summer, Top tips, Top tips for pet healthIt’s nice to spend more time in the garden with your four-legged friends. However, it is essential to ensure that your garden is safe for pets.
We share some tips to create a pet-friendly garden:
Avoid poisonous plants
Some common garden…
Top tips for calming pets during thunderstorms
Cat articles, Dog articles, Seasonal articles, Stress & anxiety articles, Summer, Top tipsWarmer weather can often mean more thunderstorms, which is not only stressful for pets, but also their owners. Thunder can cause anxiety in pets due to the sudden loud noise, especially if pets have experienced past trauma.
Some dogs can also…
How to keep your pet hydrated
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Summer, Top tips, Top tips for pet healthWhen the temperatures rise, it’s important to ensure your four-legged friends stay hydrated, which is important to help keep them cool and for general overall health.
However much they are drinking, they’ll need more in hot weather as they…
Keeping pets safe during BBQ season
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Summer, Top tipsDuring summer months, we all love to make the most of the warm weather and enjoy a barbecue.
However, some of the treats we love, and equipment used can be dangerous to our four-legged friends. From heatstroke to leftovers, there are many hazards…
Caring for pets in a heatwave
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Summer, Top tips for pet healthIt’s always lovely to be able to enjoy more time outside with pets. However, caring for pets in a heatwave is important to ensure they stay happy and healthy in the sun.
During the summer months, temperatures can reach the 30s and if it’s…
Can dogs eat chocolate?
Cat articles, Christmas, Dog articles, Easter, For puppies, Pet health articles, Seasonal articlesIf you were to ask a dog owner what their dog should never eat, one of the first foodstuffs mentioned is likely to be chocolate.
Dogs can be opportunists and often sniff out things not meant for them, especially food! Some owners might have…
Spring flowers that are dangerous to your pet
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, SpringAt this time of year there are various blooms and plants that are popular because of their beautiful colours and fragrances.
Some spring flowers can be poisonous to pets and should be avoided or limited around the home. Here is a list of common…
Top tips for pet owners at Easter
Cat articles, Dog articles, Easter, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Spring, Top tips for pet healthEaster can be a fun and exciting time, but we share some top tips for pet owners at Easter to help care for four-legged friends.
Whether you’re enjoying nice long walks with your dog or tucking into your favourite chocolate egg, our top…
Top tips for pet owners during spring
Cat articles, Dog articles, Pet health articles, Seasonal articles, Spring, Top tips for pet healthAs the weather gets warmer your cat or dog will be able to enjoy more time outside, our top tips for pet owners during spring help with hazards at this time of year.
Like most seasons, spring presents some challenges for pets and these top…